Notes for week 27 of 2022
- I’ve walked 18 km. I’ve been active for 4.3 hours during 2 activities. This week’s max speed was 12.7 km/h and I conquered 266 elevation meters.
Recommended Readings From This Week
- Cringefest Karla Janečka: mezi egoismem a zoufalstvím: lol
- The Californian Ideology: A great summary of current technopolitical problems written in…’95?
- writing one sentence per line: Oooh. I’ll try.
- Lanyrd: from idea to exit - the story of our startup: Proper startup story.
- Failed #SquadGoals: Looking past the Spotify myth (when at scale)
- Jestli umřu, neplačte. Pusťte mi na pohřbu AC/DC, aby se lidé usmívali, říká první žena pluku Azov: Wise.
- The delusions of debian: 32 people for 90k packages.
- Ekonomická krize se odráží i na zdraví, rizika jsou obrovská, varuje lékař: 60% is not bad
Published in Weekly Notes and tagged Weekly Notes