Notes for week 15-17 of 2022

From tech perspective, I spent last few weeks digging deep into planning our next release. The planning escalated all the way to the executive leadership and it was interesting to enter the process from the other side for once. Shoter work weeks lead to meeting compression, and together with the work accumulated from my Covid absence, I had some fun lined up.

Some time ago, I became fed up with streaming services. The tipping point was one of my favorite albums being deleted from Spotify, with no good way to dig it up. So I figured I can spent Spotify worth of subscription to buy music from artists directly instead.

There are now more ways to buy FLACs and it’s a reasonably good shopping experience. Annoyingly enough, buying physical CDs can be much cheaper than doing the digital version, and the digital version is not always available. So I resurrected the old notebook with a reader and made a room on a shelf in the cellar.

The Yo-Yo Ma Cello collection was on my list for a long while and it’s a pleasure to listen to. And from the other side of the spectrum, I am working through Wardruna as I got mesmerised by this Lyfjaberg video.


  • MyST - Markedly Structured Text may be my panacea for agonizing between rST and MD. Wohoo!
  • In Week 15, I’ve walked 18 km. I’ve been active for 4.4 hours during 9 activities. This week’s max speed was 33.2 km/h and I conquered 114 elevation meters.
  • In Week 16, I’ve walked 6 km. I’ve been active for 1.3 hours during 1 activities. This week’s max speed was 8.6 km/h and I conquered 185 elevation meters.
  • In Week 17, I’ve walked 8 km and rode 18 km. I’ve been active for 2.7 hours during 6 activities. This week’s max speed was 63.9 km/h and I conquered 264 elevation meters.
  • Scaling containers on AWS in 2022: Lambda vs. ECS vs. EKS vs Fargate vs. EC2 vs. App Runner. It confirms my intuition that for suitable workloads (cron-style or peak loads), Lambda is just golden. To quote:

With the default limits, Lambda scales to 3 000 containers in a couple of seconds. That means that with default limits, we get 30 TB of memory and 18 000 vCPUs in a couple of seconds. With a legitimate workload and increased limits, as we just saw, we are now living in a world where we can instantly get 150 TB of RAM and 90 000 vCPUs for our apps

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